13–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

ScienceMesh - an interoperable federation of data and higher-level services to enable friction free collaboration and unlock open science

13 Jun 2022, 23:10
Poster Posters


Rita Sofia Meneses (Trust-IT Services)


CS3MESH4EOSC is developing an interactive and agile sharing mesh of storage, data and applications for open science, known as ScienceMesh. It is a bigger platform, made essentially of technologies that already exist in the market, fully developed in Open-Source, where users can recombine their data with others. A truly friction-free collaboration between European data users (researchers, educators, data curators and analysts), giving them the ability to control and share datasets remotely, across borders in a secure and easy way, while becoming FAIR compatible and integrated with the European Open Science Cloud.

Primary authors

Jacopo Mariani (Trust-IT Services) Jakub Moscicki (CERN) Rita Sofia Meneses (Trust-IT Services)

Presentation materials