Morten Brekkevold
Vidar Faltinsen
(Director of department)
Argus is an open-source tool for NOCs and service centers to aggregate incidents from all their monitoring applications into a single, unified dashboard and notification system. Most NOCs will, out of necessity, use a myriad of applications to monitor their infrastructure and services. In turn, they need to contend with manually managing notification profiles and monitoring dashboards in each individual application. Argus mitigates these scenarios by providing the NOC with a singular overview of actionable incidents, and by providing a single point of notification configuration. Argus is developed by Sikt and Sunet, supported by GÉANT. More info: https://wiki.geant.org/display/NETDEV/Argus
Primary authors
Morten Brekkevold
Vidar Faltinsen
(Director of department)