Damiano Verzulli
Lukasz Lopatowski
(Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center)
The cost and complexity of buying or developing and integrating in-house network management solutions may be too high for many organizations. GÉANT Network Management as a Service (NMaaS, https://nmaas.eu) aims to support smaller NRENs, campuses, organisations or distributed research projects by providing an effective, efficient, and secure cloud-based network and service management platform. In addition to a general update on the NMaaS service, presentation focuses on NMaaS deployment at GARRLab. Tools running on NMaaS are monitoring GARRLab's VMs, containers and application services. This use-case demonstrates how NMaaS can be successfully adopted by anyone interested in cloud-based NMS solutions.
Primary authors
Damiano Verzulli
Lukasz Lopatowski
(Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center)
Frédéric Loui