13–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Transformation of GÉANT fibre network

Not scheduled
1h 30m


Single Presentation - 25 min Transformation of GÉANT fibre network Network Evolution


Sebastiano Buscaglione (GÉANT)


The GÉANT network in 2018 had 23 European dark fibre routes, with an average annual lease cost per route of €110k at €0.234 per metre per annum. Most of the underpinning agreements for the network expire in 2020–21 with up to 2 years extension options. The GN4-3N project provides an opportunity to reconsider GÉANT’s fibre topology and at the same time plan the renewal of its optical platform.

Primary authors

Sebastiano Buscaglione (GÉANT) Mian Usman Guy Roberts (GÉANT)

Presentation materials

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