13–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Internet2 Next Generation Infrastructure: Leveraging New Software and Hardware to Deliver Terabit Services

14 Jun 2022, 16:00
1h 30m


Single Presentation - 25 min Network Evolution


Chris Wilkinson (Internet2, Network Services)


In 2021 Internet2 completed the deployment of its Next Generation Infrastructure (NGI), which included a refresh of its fiber, hardware, software, and the underlying architectures.

NGI also strives to fundamentally change the way the entire community can interact with the entire Internet2 platform - namely providing extensible access to the full stack of services; by combining these services in new and innovative ways the community can collaboratively work to meet the emerging demands.

This presentation will focus on the lessons learned from the NGI deployment and resulting impact for future delivery of cloud and research services. We will highlight the change in methodologies for delivering services at Layer 1, Layer 2, and Layer 3 including the key role in automation and orchestration.

Primary author

Chris Wilkinson (Internet2, Network Services)

Presentation materials