13–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Developing and deploying Campus Network as a Service

16 Jun 2022, 12:00
Room C

Room C

Single Presentation - 25 min Developing and deploying Campus Network as a Service Pot Luck Networking


Maurice van den Akker (SURF)


The presentation will focus on product development of a Campus Network as a Service proposition. What do customers expect? What do they worry about? Why is such a service delivered by an NREN viable? What does the business model and case look like? How can the solution scale over multiple institutes? What will be the short term benefits and the long term roadmap? We will discuss with the audience which roles the institute, the NREN and the market should have for the service and why. Furthermore, we will show the architecture and share any lessons learned during the Proof of Concept and start of the Pilot.

Primary author

Maurice van den Akker (SURF)


Monique de Wolf

Presentation materials