13–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

The True Story of The Little Engine That Could - The Two Sides of Self Belief and Hope.

Not scheduled
1h 30m
Room B

Room B

Single Presentation - 25 min The True Story of The Little Engine That Could - The Two Sides of Self Belief and Hope. Crisis and Solutions


Ann Harding (SWITCH)


The Little Engine That Could is a folktale that shows with enough hope and determination you can overcome anything. This is not that story. This is a story of SWITCH engines, a small team pioneering DevOps, SRE and automation in SWITCH to deliver our community cloud. For half a decade, we are consistently punching above our weight until a simple disk failure triggered a two-month-long critical incident - an existential crisis for the infrastructure, approach and service. We learn how hope and determination are not a sustainable strategy and show the real ways crisis can be overcome.

Primary author

Ann Harding (SWITCH)

Presentation materials

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