13–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Shouting across the chasm

14 Jun 2022, 14:55


Lightning Talk (5 min) Shouting across the chasm Lightning Talk Plenaries - First Strike


Guy Halse (TENET South Africa)


Intended as a cautionary tale, this talk aims to highlight the growing divide between emerging NRENs and their more established counterparts. In particular, it will focus on two aspects: evolving baselines making the knowledge requirements (and thus barriers to entry) for newcomers significantly greater than they used to be, and the differing technology entry-levels that exist in different economies. Hopefully, it will serve to spark a greater awareness of an oft-overlooked side effect of the rapid evolution of technology in the NREN spaces.

Primary author

Guy Halse (TENET South Africa)

Presentation materials