13–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Devi wears PRADA (aka Prosperity & Resilience Achieved through Digital Access)

Not scheduled


Lightning Talk (5 min) Devi wears PRADA (aka Prosperity & Resilience Achieved through Digital Access) Lightning Talk Plenaries - First Strike


Seema Khanna (NKN India & Member Asi@Connect Steering committee)


Digital Access is transforming the lives of women across Asia. Despite the success stories, there is a lot more that needs to be done and can be achieved if the wider TEIN/Asi@Connect community, including developed countries, join forces to amplify the stories of women heard so far, driven by the ultimate goal of ‘Let every Devi*” achieve her potential through PRADA.

  • Devi is the name of a little girl who has the ambition and the will to transform her future.

Primary authors

Seema Khanna (NKN India & Member Asi@Connect Steering committee) Ms Eunjin Hu (HU/Head of Planning & Management , Asi@Connect )

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.