Trusted Infrastructure in Action: Trusted Infrastructure in Action
- Heather Flanagan (Spherical Cow Consulting)
Infrastructure exists to support the operation of society, of research, of everything. Join us to learn about real-world examples of how the infrastructure of identity and trust support the demands of research and education around the world.
The Fenix collaboration, the LUMI EuroHPC collaboration, the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) Puhuri project and GÉANT eduTEAMS have been working on the cross-border challenge of user identification, authentication, authorisation and resource allocation. This is a general solution for seamless access to the service providers’ HPC and cloud resources. In this presentation we...
This talk reports on the work GÉANT and the NRENs undertook to scale out the MyAcademicID Service, one of the most used service in eduGAIN, the challenges faced in rolling-out a new attribute (ESI) to identify students at the European scale, the Erasmus+ IdP of last resort launched in just a few months to ensure that all students can take advantage of the digitized processes and the...
The Australian BioCommons and the Australian Access Federation (AAF) are building a trust and identity infrastructure for an Australian genomics research federation that can interface with international initiatives like ELIXIR and the NIH. The project has become a catalyst for introducing advanced federation solutions like the AARC Blueprint Architecture to support the needs of 33,000...