Building and Buying: Building and Buying
- Maria Ristkok (EENet)
In this session you will hear examples of how to manage complex tendering processes and frameworks for buying services and examples of building and governing software for delivering services. Over the years, NRENs and GÉANT have learnt lessons and gained valuable experience in managing complex tenders and providing software management support for delivering services.
Our processes include optimal purchasing, good prices, 1000 bids, vendor compliance, impact assessment, audits of services, plus thousands more details to manage. How do you survive this? How do you optimise this?
Join the session to hear our practical experience of building and buying.
The GN programme brings together software engineers coming from various NRENs, who collaboratively produce software supporting the delivery of various services (such as trust & identity and network management services). From the earliest stages of planning, software governance was recognized as a key facet of the GN project. The GÉANT Software Governance and Support team in GN4-3 has...
The OCRE project ran a very large-scale framework tender for 40 countries / lots for IaaS+. This required managing a large European Tender process which resulted in 474 framework contracts for a large variety of Cloud Platforms across 40 NRENs. It is obvious that this was a complex process.
So how do you:
-survive a tender that receives almost 1100 bids...?
-manage to get the...
The Compliance Team within team ICT purchasing of the Procurement and Contracting department of SURF negotiates not only good prices but also optimal purchasing and contracting agreements, compliant with national and EU regulations. This is not only paperwork but also involves looking into the nitty-gritty details of network traffic to verify the exchange of telemetry data as is done in the...